Danielle Rivenbark

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I phoned in my "mom responsibilities" last week... then I called in reinforcements

Last week was “Career Day” at Gardner’s school. This meant that on Friday, Gardner needed to go to school dressed up as what he wanted to be when he grew up. I knew about this on Monday, so we had all week to get his costume together. Simple enough right?… Sure!… If you remember that it’s Career Day on Friday, but if you completely forget about the teacher’s note as soon as you read it until Friday morning when Gardner says he needs to dress up as a recycling man… then not so much.

Last Friday, Gardner was convinced he wanted to be a recycling man. I was trying to convince him to be a baker, since we had a little apron I could send him in, but he wasn’t having it. I know better than to try and argue with him on things like this. So we threw something together consisting of army green pants and bright “safety yellow” t-shirt. Then at 7:20 a.m. as we’re trying to get packed and out the door I’m sketching the recycling logo onto a piece of paper so I can take two pieces of packing tape and tape it to his chest. Honestly, he totally bought it. He thought it was the greatest thing ever. He was proud to wear his makeshift sticker to school. So while I’m going to take it as win, it wasn’t my best attempt. #momfail

This week was “dress up as your favorite super hero or book character.” I vowed to do better! So on Monday I asked Gardner what we wanted to dress up as on Friday. He said, “The Grouchy Ladybug.” blink blink Umm…. what?

I know “The Grouchy Ladybug” is an Eric Carle book. I also know that we have three drawers full of super hero costumes in our living room that he could choose from. AND I also know that I probably can’t convince him to dress up as something other than what he has his mind set on. sigh

So on Tuesday morning I ventured out to Hobby Lobby with a Pinterest idea to make him a ladybug costume. While in Hobby Lobby I call my mother in law to ask her how much fabric I need for the photo I’m about to send her. I took one sewing class in high school and it’s been a long time, so I knew there was no way I could do this on my own. I was charged with cutting the black circles and putting the headband together. My mother in law did her magic and made Gardner a ladybug cape.

I have to say, IT. LOOKS. AMAZING! It Velcro’s to his shirt and he was so excited this morning to wear it. We had fun with this one.

“The Grouchy Ladybug” is a far cry from the “Recycling Man” costume from last week, but I think both were successful. Stay tuned as there might be more costumes coming our way. Good thing I have quality reinforcements and the best village around!