It's event day and you have checked off everything you could possibly need right? Then, you run out of pens, need a stapler, or a marker to write a name tag. Did you pack that? Many of us have our trusty event boxes. Here is a video of mine and a list of what's in it!
So what's in this trusty event box?
- Rubber Bands
- Band-aids
- Extra Name Tags
- Markers
- Pens
- USB Drives
- Batteries
- Thumbtacks
- Paper Clips
- Highlighters
- Binder Clips
- Post-It Notes (various sizes)
- Stapler
- Staples
- Staple Remover
- White Out
- Calculator
- Level
- Eye Glass Repair Kit
- Sewing Kit
- Flashlight
- Scissors
So tell me, what am I missing? What do you have in your event box? Leave a message in the comments!