
Little kids, little problems... big kids, big problems

When the pandemic first started, I had four kids under six at home with me. I had decided to pull them out of daycare temporarily, thinking that I could save money for a few months, especially since I was worried about a possible furlough. A few months of having them home turned into eight months…

How I was reminded to change my attitude about school this year

Remote learning for 9 weeks…. 9 whole weeks… at least! That’s the news we got last month about the re-opening of schools during the COVID-19 pandemic. Yes, I know it’s safer for our awesome teachers and families, especially those that are at risk. Yes, I know that bringing the kids into school would both cost a lot more for cleaning and possibly put the kids at risk. Yes, I want to be a good citizen and protect others. However… NINE. WHOLE. WEEKS. TEACHING. AT. HOME. I was terrified. I AM TERRIFIED.

Sometimes, it’s my family that gets the worst of me

We all know the rat race that we often call life: wake before the sun (and most importantly, wake the before the kids), shower make breakfast, get everyone dressed and fed, rush them out the door, inevitably forget something at home, drop them off, fly into work on two wheels (how late do I feel today? Just 5 minutes today? Success!!), turn the computer on and breathe.

How I'm using my own #MeToo experience to parent my children

Like so many other people in the world I have a #MeToo story. Only three people know about the details of my encounter, the man that assaulted me, an ex-boyfriend, and most recently, my husband. Why has it taken me so long to speak out? Like many others, I have felt so much shame about what happened to me.