Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
Games have come such a long way since you helped your favorite plumbers collect coins and swoosh through pipes. These days, games can hold some serious educational value for children and even help them develop critical skills they can use throughout their lives. So if you are on the fence about allowing your kids more game time, here’s what you should know:
Games Can Provide Social Connection
With social-distancing likely to be around for some time, allowing your children to play video games can provide a safe outlet for them to socialize with friends and family members. In fact, families across the country are embracing online gaming as a way to stay connected.
Especially With The Right Connection
If your kids will be gaming while you work from home, you’re going to need an internet connection that can handle all of that extra work. A fiber-optic connection could be your best option for preventing the lagging and buffering that tend to occur with online gaming.
But It’s Important for Kids to Stay Safe
Allowing your children to use the internet for gaming comes with some risks as well. That’s why it’s crucial to ensure that you have measures in place to protect your family from online threats. It’s also important to talk to your children about internet dangers and rules for online gaming.
Games Can Teach Valuable Skills
Are your kids interested in learning more about STEM fields like coding? If so, you can find plenty of games that will make learning how to code fun and engaging! There are options for every age and learning level available and plenty of titles to keep kids from getting bored.
And Help Kids Build More Confidence
Aside from learning more about specific subjects, including STEM, math and history, your kids can also pick up some valuable life skills from playing their favorite games. Kids who play games tend to be better at problem-solving and even owning their mistakes and choices. All of which can add up to more confidence in the classroom and in life.
But Parents Should Choose Games Wisely
Of course, along with all of the potential perks of playing games can also come some pretty serious areas of concern. Some games can expose your children to violence, crude language and other inappropriate situations. So be sure to educate yourself around parental controls and game rating systems.
Games Can Help Keep Children Busy
When you have kids, working from home and staying productive can feel nearly impossible. Keeping your children occupied with activities they can do solo, which includes gaming, can help you find balance in your remote work routine. Just be sure to set them up with their favorite games in an area that is away from your desk, so that you can work without distractions.
Which Can Save Parents Some Stress
Okay, okay now you may be stressed about letting your kids use screens and play games. Honestly though, if you’re a parent right now you already have enough on your plate with remote work, online learning and so much uncertainty. So don’t feel guilty about planting your kids in front of their favorite games if that’s what it takes to save you and them stress!
But Screen-Free Time is Also Important
So how much screen time is actually okay, even during a pandemic? The answer to this question can be different for different children and needs, but there are plenty of resources available online to help you set reasonable limits for your children. At the end of the day, you are the best judge of just how much and what type of screen time may be too much for your family.
From improving coordination to staying connected, there’s a lot to love about gaming. Of course, there are a lot of risks you should be aware of as well. Keeping the benefits balanced with these risks can ensure that your kids have a positive and productive gaming experience.
Jenna Sherman, a mom of three (two girls and a boy) created as an avenue for parents who want to make sure their children grow up to be strong, independent, successful adults. By providing a collection of valuable, up-to-date, authoritative resources, she hopes to help other parents acquire the skills they need to raise future leaders.
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