Mom life

I phoned in my "mom responsibilities" last week... then I called in reinforcements

Last week was “Career Day” at Gardner’s school. This meant that on Friday, Gardner needed to go to school dressed up as what he wanted to be when he grew up. I knew about this on Monday, so we had all week to get his costume together. Simple enough right?… Sure!… If you remember that it’s Career Day on Friday, but if you completely forget about the teacher’s note as soon as you read it until Friday morning when Gardner says he needs to dress up as a recycling man… then not so much.

Knowing your values can help you make the most of your time as a busy mom

I write often about the difficulties of trying to have it all… or at least look like I have it all. The work-life juggle (as I call it) is just that… a juggle. Because time is finite. There is no “making the pie bigger” as you often can when you negotiate something. Unless someone has access to a time machine? And if so, I’m in and I will pay you! Time is a scarce resource and making the most of every moment and opportunity can become a lot of pressure. Every busy mom knows that there will always be competing priorities. Sometimes you have to choose between your kids’ party at school and that conference call with a client. Or between meeting that work deadline and laying in bed with your kid at night. At the end of the day, you’re only one person with 24 hours. So what’s a busy mom to do?