stay at home mom

Going Back to School as a Stay-at-Home Parent

You are a stay-at-home parent who helps to get back into the workforce or launch your own company. And you need to expand your knowledge and skill set beforehand. Returning to school can seem like an intimidating prospect, especially when you’re juggling childcare and other responsibilities. But with the right combination of planning and determination, nothing can stop you from accomplishing your goals! Today, Danielle Rivenbark shares some tips to help you get started.

Simple Small Business Tips for Stay-at-Home-Moms

Stay-at-home moms usually have a lot on their plates as they work to take care of the kids while running a household. Taking care of everyone else’s needs before your own can become exhausting, however, which is why there has been a rise in “mompreneurs” in recent years. Starting your own business may sound like an overwhelming task, but there are plenty of helpful resources available online to help guide you every step of the way, and you’ll have the benefit of doing something you enjoy while making money.