Goods and Services For Sale

A temp in our office, Sue, was working on a wedding shower for her future daughter-in-law.  She saw my paper wedding flowers in my office (also pictured on the home page).  She instantly loved them and wanted to use something similar to help decorate the shower she was throwing.  She asked for my assistance and of course I said, "Yes!"

She forwarded me the invitation she had designed and said, "Can you make me 5 bouquets in fun colors?"  It is a "Stock the Bar" party, and the invitation had greens, blues, yellows, and reds (alcohol can be very festive colors).  With that, I started making paper flowers.  I cut, folded, and hot glued over 120 flowers and placed them in bouquets. 

The best thing that you can do when planning an event is ask for help when you need it.  Sue had a need and was smart to reach out to the person that got married just a year and a half ago and happens to also plan events for a living. 

I have no doubt that the wedding shower she is throwing will go off without a hitch.  I'm so excited to see photos of the bouquets I made for Sue.  It's one thing to see these on my desk (pictured below), but it's a completely different thing to see them perfectly placed as centerpieces, on the gift table, or however she decides to use them. 


I'm also open for business if you are interested in purchasing paper flower bouquets for your next event.  You can view the new section of my website, Shop, to purchase a unique bouquet of your own.  My event planning services are also available to those that need help planning your next event.  You can reach me through the About page.

People around you have so many different skills.  I didn't know that making paper flowers could be a thing until Sue asked me.  I've since gotten another order for a bouquet.

I love that I work with so many different people including lawyers, judges, other event planners, marketing professionals, and graphic designers.  You never know when you'll need an invitation or communications plan or help planning your kids' wedding!