When I worked at Rider University for Study Tours we would get this email on the 4th of July from our supervisor. The email would be really heartwarming about how he felt to be an American. The essence would include that what we were doing on a day-to-day basis for our international students was not only important, but that we were so incredibly lucky to be charged with such a task. Our job included, above everything else, to provide the students with a truly American experience. He would talk about our freedoms and pride that we have for our country. It really was inspirational and students that were with us on July 4th would get to experience a special celebration.
While we went on tour we would sometimes talk about the Liberty Bell, Lincoln Memorial, or how our government was setup. We would talk about the freedom we have to go to beach and see fireworks on the 4th of July. I'm sure many of you will be spending your weekend doing just that.
We would be sure that our students saw fireworks on July 4th (even in Los Angeles where the traffic rarely cooperated). It was so special to be able to plan an outing like this. We even dared to go to Huntington Beach one year. It took a lot of planning. We made sure we left extra early to avoid (some of) the traffic. The staff searched for a spot on the beach to gather the students to watch fireworks and remained accessible all day with one another via phone. Being in constant contact was especially important given the crowds that the staff faced on the beach.
We had all hands on deck for this particular trip. Once the students saw the spectacular fireworks display the staff worked with the bus drivers to get everyone back on the buses without leaving anyone behind. Headcounts during this trip were essential.
My 2nd Study Tours summer at Rider in 2008. Justin and I were decked out to celebrate.
The 2009 staff at Huntington Beach, CA. From left: Michael, Michelle, Rose, Jess, Brad, Ellie, Scott, and Victoria.
Previously, this holiday has been a stressful one for me, making sure that everyone was accounted for. It will be slightly different this year. I don't actually have any events planned for my 4th of July, but I will be sure to report back on Monday if I happen to attend any! This 4th of July will be special, since it will be wonderful to see it through Gardner's eyes (even though he doesn't yet understand what it means). As he gets older, I just hope that I can share with him the significance of what this holiday means in the same way that my supervisor did years ago.
So whether you attend an event this weekend, host a barbecue, or gather to see fireworks think not about the planning behind the event, but about the what it means to be an American.
I feel truly fortunate to be able to plan events for judges, prosecutors, public defenders, and other elected officials that carry out the laws and mission of the United States on daily basis. It is such an honor to be a small part of that mission. Happy birthday America! Let the celebration begin!