Photo by Domenico Loia on Unsplash
I am often chained to my desk these days. After getting back from holiday break I have been full force for the last week, throttled into managing all the events coming down the track in the first quarter. I am that quintessential duck on the pond. I may look like I’m handling it, but in reality I’m paddling like mad just to stay afloat. Now, let me be clear, no one has actually chained me to my desk, and no one is making me sit at my computer all day cranking out emails and spreadsheets. This act is completely self-inflicted because well… stuff just needs to get done.
I’ve had two days in the last 5 days of working where I went home going, “What the heck just happened today?!?!?!?!” Similar to your thought when you watch a strange video and you think, “What did I just watch?” And yet, today I’m out of the office. That’s right, I managed to pry myself from my desk to go to my professional organization’s monthly educational meeting for the NC Society of Government Meeting Professionals.
Being out of the office could cause the rest of my week to get a little crazy. Obviously the emails will pile up while my out of office response hits people’s inbox. Yet, it may be the most rejuvenating thing I do this week. It’s important to leave the office from time to time, especially when you can reconnect with other professionals in your industry and as a bonus get some new information/education at the same time.
Today’s topic is “Working with VIPs” and I couldn’t be more excited to hear what our presenter has to say. I’m hoping to not only come away with some tips and tricks and things to think about when dealing with VIPs, but also seize the opportunity to see people I haven’t connected with in awhile and share the latest stories at work.
Today’s networking and education may mean I play catch up the rest of the week, but it will also mean I get to come back to work tomorrow with a clearer mind and an energy that I just didn’t bring on Monday. So give yourself a break once in awhile and stretch your legs outside of your office. Grab coffee with a colleague, attend a seminar that interests you, take a walk at lunch, or work outside for a bit. (I’m talking to I’m talking to you future self).