Importance of Meetings

5 Tips for a Peaceful Passing of the Programs (Part 1)

A week or so ago Cindy and I covered a class for our colleague, Monica.  It was a one-day program. At first glance it was pretty straightforward... until it wasn't.  Do you ever think about writing down all the things you do on a daily basis or all the intricacies of running your events?  Or updating your checklists daily? I would say most people don't.  Here's what you can do when faced with having to cover for someone.  

Sometimes a GIF is Worth a Thousand Words

I came across this article on Meetings Mean Business that perfectly summed up the top signs you're in the meeting industry.  I love a good top ten list.  I also love when they have animated GIFs that correlate to the point being made.  BuzzFeed is notorious for having their articles contain these hysterical, yet appropriate animations.  Sometimes you find that someone else can say it best.