event feedback

5 Tips for a Peaceful Passing of the Programs (Part 1)

A week or so ago Cindy and I covered a class for our colleague, Monica.  It was a one-day program. At first glance it was pretty straightforward... until it wasn't.  Do you ever think about writing down all the things you do on a daily basis or all the intricacies of running your events?  Or updating your checklists daily? I would say most people don't.  Here's what you can do when faced with having to cover for someone.  

Why Your Feedback Matters to Hotels

Something that came up at last week's NC SGMP Conference was regarding feedback and reviews.  One of our hoteliers talked about the importance of the event survey that you receive after your event.  This information is taken very seriously by hotels, and as it turns out, it can make an employees day.

Making Any Conversation Easy

Have you ever had a difficult time starting a conversation because the topic was difficult?  Or you liked the person and felt emotionally vested and didn't want to hurt their feelings?  How about a conflict with your supervisor, client, or vendor that was tough to handle?  We've all had these situations arise at one point or another either at work or in our personal lives.  If we were able to get through them gracefully it was a feat!