
Working a Room

I've talked about the importance of relationship building here on the blog before.  The relationships that you build can certainly help you in many facets of your professional and personal life.  However, these relationships don't happen overnight.  These things take time and can be hard work.  Working a room can seem intimidating, especially if you are introverted. 

The Power of Relationship Building

I remember when webinars, conference calling, and other event technology first came about. Everyone was afraid that technology would over take the meeting industry and there would be no need for face-to-face meetings anymore. These fears were eventually squashed and the events industry continued on. Face-to-face meetings are not going away and in fact the meeting and event industry is booming! The reason? Relationships.

Networking and Friendships

I got the most wonderful text from a graduate school friend, Melissa, today.  She asked about a colleague of mine at UNC.  I asked her why, and she noted that my colleague was on the list to go to the Society of Government Meeting Professionals (SGMP) National Conference.  I immediately texted her back to ask if she was going.  Then I waited... five... long... minutes for her response.  And it was a very suspenseful five minutes.  I even told her that I would do cartwheels down the hallway if she was going.  (Though, I am wearing a skirt and heels today, so I'm not sure that promised cartwheels will actually happen.)  Then the text came through, she is going and I will be seeing her at the conference in Minneapolis in a week and a half.  I couldn't be more excited!!