
The Cost of Doing Business - 4 Tips About Budgeting

Managing a budget is not easy for anyone.  Organizations, event planners, and households are all trying to maintain a balanced budget.  The cost of doing business is rising and we are having to make tough decisions about what projects to fund, where our money should be spent, and what to do when the income stream slows.  It's not easy, but we often have to say "no" to requests.

The State of the Industry

I am currently in the process of booking a conference for 2017.  I have updated my request for proposal (RFP) and have begun sending this out to various hotels and convention and visitors bureaus (CVBs).  Now I am waiting.  In the past few years we have been able to get fantastic rates of $82 per night for this group of 350 people.  However, we are living in a different time now.