We quietly started our homeschool journey

If you had told me seven years ago that I would be the one educating my kids from my dining room table, I would not have believed it. My husband and I both are the products of public school education. Parenting is hard enough and now it’s my responsibility to make sure they can grow up to be productive citizens?!?! I’m just coming out of the haze of having four kids in five years! No way I can do this! And yet here we are. Last week we quietly started our homeschool journey.

How to Design a Distraction-Free Workspace for Your Kids

Is homework clogging up your kitchen table, or is your kid’s violin practice becoming too much for your living room? Setting up a dedicated, distraction-free space for your kids to help get their work done has some major benefits for their education and your peace of mind. Whether it’s getting their science projects done or working on their latest musical masterpiece, here are a few ways you can set up a workspace of their very own:

Safe, Fun Outdoor Activities to Boost Your Child’s Health and Well-Being

There has never been a more critical time for kids to experience the outdoors. After a year and a half of unpredictable routines and limited outdoor play, Nature Deficit Disorder is in full swing. If you’re looking for practical ideas for activities your child can engage in outside the house, then you’ve come to the right place. Danielle Rivenbark has listed some simple yet significant tips for getting your child the safe, fun, and healthy activity they need!

Back to School Ideas for Your Special Needs Kiddos!

Today is the first day of school and while my oldest, Gardner, is now a First Grader cue tears he is still just six years old and I wanted to make his transition as seamless as possible for him. As many of you know he has autism, but after many meetings, testing sessions, and conversations with the school he doesn’t qualify for an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). He does have a 504 in place, which is basically a step below an IEP, but we all know how crazy the first few days of school can be, so to make sure that he had what he needed we did a few things to make his life (and his teacher’s life) a little easier.

Hey, Look Y'all We Made It (through virtual school) Parody

Any other virtual school moms out there ready for summer? I know I am! After a half virtual, half in-person school year I'm ready for my lounge chair and a summer without virtual school, masks, and pandemic. I'm leaving it all behind and celebrating with this parody of "Hey, Look Ma I Made It". Enjoy!

101 Things to Do This Summer (with Kids)

I don’t know if it’s coming out of the pandemic, or doing virtual school at my dining room table for half the year, or just wanting to commemorate the summer with my first kiddo finishing kindergarten, but I felt like we needed a reward for all our hard work and being cooped up at home for the last year. As a result, the kids and I made a “Summer Fun List”.

I phoned in my "mom responsibilities" last week... then I called in reinforcements

Last week was “Career Day” at Gardner’s school. This meant that on Friday, Gardner needed to go to school dressed up as what he wanted to be when he grew up. I knew about this on Monday, so we had all week to get his costume together. Simple enough right?… Sure!… If you remember that it’s Career Day on Friday, but if you completely forget about the teacher’s note as soon as you read it until Friday morning when Gardner says he needs to dress up as a recycling man… then not so much.

Stay-at-Home Moms Can Use These Tips to Start a Successful Business

Many stay-at-home mothers have a lot on their plates these days, which makes it difficult to think about ways to boost a career. If you’ve always dreamed of starting your own business, however, there’s no time like the present. With access to various resources online, it's easier than ever to become a “momtrepreneur” and grow a business from home even as you raise your family. The key is to find a business model that works for your specific circumstances while getting support and advice from other parents who have experience.